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Tyndale Theological Seminary

Facilities Manager

The Facilities Manager is responsible for overseeing the condition of the physical plant, rented housing and seminary vehicles. The position also oversees:

  1. Student Community Duties;

  2. All housing requests and scheduling;

  3. Transportation needs of the seminary;

  4. Logistical preparations for on-campus events; and

  5. Relationships with outside vendors pertaining to Tyndale’s physical plant and seminary vehicles.

Supervision Received:​ Vice President of Operations and Administration

Supervision Exercised:​ Staff Supervisors for Community Duties; Students in their Community Duties

Liaise:​​​​ Dean of Students


A) Maintenance of Facilities

  • To oversee repair, cleaning and maintenance of the physical plant (including appliances), gardens and grounds

  • To coordinate planned and emergency maintenance for Chatlos Hall and the dormitory

  • To monitor and ensure all building security

  • To maintain all seminary vehicles

  • To liaise with all outside vendors, contractors and others who bid to conduct work on the seminary facilities and seminary vehicles

  • To keep the Vice-President of Operations and Administration updated on progress and needs.

  • To document maintenance to the seminary buildings

  • In consultation with the Vice President of Operations and Administration, establish maintenance contracts as needed. Such agreements will not extend beyond two years, but may be renewed.

B) Health and Safety

  • To ensure a healthy and safe environment according to Dutch requirements

  • To perform reviews of the fire detection, evacuation system and other fire installations as required by law

  • To perform quarterly reviews on the water supply system for Legionella-prevention

  • To plan and execute safety drills and training, normally each fall and spring and at new student orientation

  • To document maintenance items, drills and training, alarms and hazards

  • To keep the President and Vice President of Operations and Administration updated on any unusual occurrences and needs

C) Student Community Duties

  • Develop a strategy for effective community duties at the seminary, including efficient use of student resources in various areas, including the dormitory, kitchen and dining area, Chatlos Hall and the seminary grounds

  • To annually appoint Community Duty Supervisors over the four main areas of Community Duties

  • Selects, encourages and promotes leadership among the student department heads

  • Produce community duty schedules

  • Edit and update the Community Life section of the Student Handbook as required

D) General

  • To recommend yearly budgetary figures for maintenance, health and safety and student community duties

  • To obtain annual budgetary goals set by the Tyndale Board of Directors

  • To draft semi-annual reports for the Tyndale board of directors.

Other Duties

  • To conduct student room inspections (with the assistance of the Dean of Menand Dean of Women as required)

  • Coordinate as needed Schiphol Airport transportation

  • Assist as needed with new student orientation

Desirable Knowledge, Abilities and Skills

  • Conversational Dutch and English language abilities

  • Knowledge and experience in serving in and through a local church, academic institution or NGO

  • Good communication and interpersonal skill

  • Commitment to quality service and follow-through

  • Basic computer skills

  • General mechanical aptitude

  • Experience with general building, apartment and other maintenance oversight


  • Administrative experience in church, parachurch, NGO or educational setting

  • MBO certificate or equivalent

  • BHV First Aid Course

  • Weveko fire detection installation course (as needed)

  • Agreement with Tyndale’s Statement of Faith and a commitment to the local church and a lifestyle of faith

Minimum Training Provided by TTS

  •  General Orientation

  • Student Handbook Overview

  • Quality Manual Overview

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