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Tyndale Theological Seminary

The Brotzman Lectures - Gregory K. Beale

Tyndale Theological Seminary, Badhoevedorp
Greg Beale.

This year’s theme is “Learning Biblical Theology from the New Testament Writers’ Use of the Old Testament.”

Dr. Beale will explore this topic is three lectures:

  1. My What a Difference an Allusion Makes!

    A study of three OT allusions in Acts 1:8 and the exegetical, biblical-theological, and practical implications.

  2. The Old Testament Background for the Repeated Phrase “Church of God” in Paul

    This will be a look at the Old Testament background of the multiple uses of “Church of God” by Paul and the exegetical, biblical-theological, and practical implications.

  3. “The Already and Not Yet Antichrist” in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-7

    This is a study of the Old Testament allusions to Daniel 2 and 11 to describe the “man of lawlessness”, and the exegetical, biblical-theological, and practical implications.

Schedule for May 1st

09.00 Doors Open - Coffee and Refreshments - Cafeteria
09.30 Opening & Introductions - Chapel
10.00 My What a Difference an Allusion Makes – Dr. Gregory K. Beale - Chapel
11.00 Q & A - Chapel
11.30 Break
12:00 Lunch - Cafeteria
13:00 The Old Testament Background for the Repeated Phrase “Church of God” in Paul – Dr. Gregory K. Beale - Chapel
14.00 Q & A - Chapel
14:45 Coffee & Refreshments - Cafeteria
15:15 “The Already and Not Yet Antichrist” in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-7 – Dr. Gregory K. Beale - Chapel
16.15 Q & A - Chapel
17.00 Closing

About Gregory K. Beale

Dr. Gregory K. Beale is Professor of New Testament at RTS Dallas. He has had a long and distinguished academic career, teaching at Grove City College, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Wheaton Graduate School, and Westminster Theological Seminary. Before joining the RTS Dallas faculty in 2021, he served as Westminster’s J. Gresham Machen Chair and Research Professor of New Testament and Biblical Interpretation. He is also a past president of the Evangelical Theological Society and a leading New Testament scholar in the field of the New Testament writers' use of the Old Testament.

Dr. Beale is a native Texan and a graduate of Southern Methodist University (SMU), Dallas Theological Seminary, and Cambridge University.

About The Brotzman Lectures

The Brotzman Lectures are named for long-time Tyndale Theological Seminary Hebrew & Old Testament Professor, Ellis Brotzman. This annual lecture series aims to expose our students, faculty and alumni to excellent evangelical scholarship, addressing the most critical matters of theology and practice for the life of the church. Click here to read more.

1-Day Preachers & Leaders Conference

In partnership with Geloofstoerusting and TGC Nederlands, Dr. Beale will be lecturing on the theme: “The Temple and the Church’s Mission: A study of a biblical theology of the Temple throughout the Bible” here at Tyndale Theological Seminary on Saturday, 3 May.

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