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Tyndale Theological Seminary

Our Strategic Vision

Institutional Identity and Mission

Tyndale shall primarily focus on training Christian servants who return to their home countries to serve and lead the local church as pastors, missionaries, Christian staff workers and Bible teachers (Acts 20:28). Tyndale shall also continue to train students who are called to teach in theological seminaries, Bible institutes and other schools. In all of Tyndale’s programs, we teach with a focus on replicating a discipleship-model of life and training (2 Tim. 2:2). Tyndale shall seek to develop and communicate this institutional identity and mission in a clear, consistent and coherent way which can be embraced by all members of the Tyndale Community (Pro. 29:18).

Student Life

Tyndale shall seek to develop programs for students so that they are trained, equipped and developed holistically through Christian discipleship and fellowship through the renewal and transformation of the student’s heart, mind, soul and body. This is enhanced through the international student body at the seminary and participating in day-by-day community life and service. The discipleship endeavor will seek, by God’s grace and direction, to transform new creations (2 Cor. 5:17), who present themselves completely before God as living sacrifices (Rom. 12:1), and who then are joined with others in the body of Christ to serve in and through the church (1 Cor. 12:12).

Academic Life

Tyndale shall equip leaders by maintaining and developing academic programs and educational resources that will prepare students as ones approved by God to carry the message of the gospel (1 Thes. 2:14), to build up the body of Christ (Eph. 4:11, 12) and to be meek and gentle reflections of Christ in transmitting the knowledge of God to those outside the church in Europe and the world. (2 Cor. 10:1-5). To ensure that we are preparing students effectively, Tyndale will seek to both renew and extend its standing as an institution accredited by recognized accrediting institutions in the Netherlands and Europe.


Tyndale will strive to expand its relationship with our alumni through personal contacts, events at the school and other locations, social media and the seminary’s website to both tell the stories of our alumni but also enlist their help in spreading awareness of the Tyndale story and supporting the seminary through recruitment of students and the provision of scholarships for future students. Tyndale will enhance its communications with its alumni both to ensure that their training has been practically effective and to receive their counsel to enhance existing programs (Psa. 37:30; Pro. 24:6).

Relationships with other academic institutions

Consistent with its identity and mission as an evangelical institution of higher learning, Tyndale shall seek to build relationships with other theological institutions, with the primary goal of seeking to advance the Kingdom of God by contributing to our knowledge of God (Pro. 1:7), sharing such knowledge with the church (2 Tim. 4:1-4) and unbelieving world (2 Tim 4:5; Mat. 28:19,20; Rom. 15:21), and providing opportunities for both our scholars and students to bless and be blessed by those outside the seminary who are pursuing a greater understanding and application of God’s Word (Psa. 133:1; Eph. 4:3, 13).


Tyndale will seek to expand its role as an international seminary located in Amsterdam, with the goal to admit students from all parts of the globe, but with particular emphasis on graduate-level students from Europe, Africa and Asia. Tyndale will recruit and seek to provide financial aid to applicants who desire to grow in their knowledge of God based on His revelation in the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16), centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 3:11), and empowered by the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8), so as to produce leaders who skillfully carry God’s message to the world with humility and passion. (2 Tim. 2:15; 1 Pet. 5:5; Tit. 3:2) Once admitted, Tyndale will work to retain students by providing both a quality education and support services to assist them during their time at the seminary.


Tyndale shall explore opportunities to improve and expand its current facilities (1 Kin. 6:1; Neh. 2:7-8; 4:6) with the goal of accommodating the instruction of 60 program students, 12 full-time residential faculty, a new library resource center, and married student housing.

Faculty Funding

Tyndale will explore funding methods whereby its faculty and senior staff will receive partial financial support from the seminary. The Board of Directors is committed to reducing the challenge of its faculty and senior staff who are required to balance their academic and administrative roles and duties with their responsibilities to be missionaries (Luk. 10:7; 1 Tim. 5:18).


Tyndale shall seek to prayerfully discover those individuals, families, churches, and foundations that the Lord is raising up to support the ministry and increase the awareness of the school (Php. 4:17). The Tyndale Community sees stewardship as an act of worship, and believes that the Lord will help us understand the mystery of sowing bountifully so that a bountiful harvest is realized through the ministry of the school (2 Cor. 9:6). Led by its board of directors, the seminary will pray regularly, fast and engage current and potential supporters to assist in providing for the general operations of the school, an increasing number of student scholarships and for a comprehensive capital campaign to improve the current facilities, including the addition of a new library and classrooms.

Board of Directors

The Tyndale Board of Directors shall consist of individuals from the global church who are recognized for their spiritual maturity and moral integrity (1 Tim. 3:1-13; Tit. 1:5-16), who seek to advance the seminary and fully adhere to the seminary’s Statement of Faith, Mission Statement, purposes, objectives and expectations, and who desire to serve the Lord through the seminary. Board members shall further share a vision for Christ’s church from an international perspective – – to see the advance of the church on an international (global) scope. Finally, the board will work with the faculty and administration to provide for collaborative leadership to ensure the effective and efficient oversight of the seminary.