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Tyndale Theological Seminary

Financial Information

Tuition charges vary based on the number of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) assigned to a class and whether a class is taken for credit or non-credit (audit). The cost for classes taken for credit is €55 per ECTS. The cost for auditing a class is €25 per ECTS.

The average yearly tuition cost for a full-time program student would be €2640

Room and Board

Single students may apply to live on-campus in the dormitory. The cost per month is €450, which includes 19 meals/week. 

The responsibility for locating married-student housing rests with the student. There are a very limited number of rooms in the dormitory which may be available to accommodate married couples, but none which can accommodate families. One may inquire about this during the application process.

Download a Detailed Financial Information summary for more information. The Community Life Handbook published for each school year provides even more details for students.